November 7. 2005
October 20, 2005
October 13, 2005
October 9, 2005
September 29, 2005
September 22, 2005
September 15, 2005
September 12, 2005
August 30, 2005
August 17, 2005
August 10, 2005
August 6, 2005
July 27, 2005
July 20, 2005
July 18, 2005
July 11, 2005
July 4, 2005
June 28, 2005
June 20, 2005
June 13, 2005
June 5, 2005
May 25, 2005
May 16, 2005
May 9, 2005
May 2, 2005
April 25, 2005
April 18, 2005
April 11, 1005
March 30, 2005
March 25. 2005
March 18, 2005
March 11, 2005
March 3, 2005
February 28, 2005
February 21, 2005
February 14, 2005
February 6, 2005
January 30, 2005
January 23, 2005
January 17, 2005
January 10, 2005
January 1, 2005
December 27, 2004
December 20, 2004
December 13, 2004
December 6, 2004
November 30, 2004
November 14, 2004
November 7, 2004
October 29, 2004
October 22, 2004
October 18, 2004
October 11, 2004
October 4, 2004
September 28th, 2004
September 20, 2004
September 13, 2004
September 6, 2004
August 27, 2004
August 20, 2004
August 13, 2004
August 6, 2004
July 30, 2004
July 24, 2004
July 17, 2004
July 11, 2004
July 4, 2004
June 21, 2004
June 14, 2004
June 7, 2004
May 28, 2004
May 20, 2004
May 14, 2004
May 7th, 2004
May 1, 2004
April 25th, 2004
April 17th, 2004
April 10th, 2004
April 4, 2004
March 14, 2004
March 7, 2004
February 24, 2004
February 17, 2004
February 10, 2004
February 2, 2004
January 20th,
January 14th, 2004
January 7, 2004
December 30, 2003
December 24, 2003
December 20, 2003
December 7, 2003
December 1, 2003
November 23, 2003
November 9, 2003
November 1, 2003
October 24, 2003
October 17th, 2003
October 3, 2003
September 27, 2003
September 11, 2003
September 9, 2003
August 31, 2003
August 20, 2003
August 11, 2003
August 3, 2003
July 28, 2003
July 21, 2003
July 11, 2003
July 4, 2003
July 1, 2003
June 15, 2003
June 8, 2003
June 2, 2003
May 23, 2003
May 18, 2003
May 12, 2003
May 5, 2003
April 28, 2003
April 17, 2003
April 13, 2003
March 30, 2003
March 10, 2003
March 2, 2003
February 24, 2003
February 10, 2003
February 3, 2003
January 20, 2003
January 13, 2003
January 5th, 2003
December 30th, 2002
December 23rd, 2002
December 16th, 2002
December 9th, 2002
November 25th, 2002
November 11, 2002
November 4, 2002
October 28th, 2002
October 21, 2002
October 14th, 2002
October 7th, 2002
September 30th,
September 23, 2002
September 16th, 2002
September 8th, 2002
September 1, 2002
August 27th, 2002
August 19, 2002
August 4th, 2002
July 29, 2002
July 22, 2002
July 15th, 2002
July 8, 2002
July 1, 2002
June 24th, 2002
June 17th, 2002
June 3, 2002
May 27th, 2002
May 20th, 2002
May 13, 2002
May 6, 2002
April 29 , 2002
April 22, 2002
April 15, 2002
April 8th, 2002
April 1st, 2002
March 18th, 2002
March 11th, 2002
March 4th, 2002
February 25th, 2002
February 18th, 2002
February 11th, 2002
February 8, 2002
February 4th, 2002
January 28th, 2002
January 21st, 2002
January 14th, 2002
January 7th, 2002
December 31st,
December 17th, 2001
December 10th, 2001
December 3rd, 2001 |
Letter from New York |
Tombers is Managing Director of Intermat, Inc., (www.intermat.tv)
a television company which executive produces programs and consults
with industry companies on a variety of issues. Intermat, Inc.
is currently involved in approximately thirty hours of television
in various stages for a variety of networks. He is one of the
Executive Producers of OFF TO WAR, a ten hour series for Discovery
Times and for a one hour on international adoptions for Discovery
Health. He has consulted a variety of companies, including Ted
Turner Documentaries, WETA, Betelgeuse Productions, and Creation
Films, Lou Reda Productions as well as many others. |
November 7, 2005
A Cabby's Wisdom
This week was spent shuttling from the country into New
York and from
New York to DC; from DC out to Los Angeles. All this shuttling
me with time to read lots of magazines and newspapers.
It has been a dramatic week news wise. There has been an
indictment in
D.C. "Scooter" Libby, the Chief of Staff for Vice
President Cheney, has
been indicted for perjury. The special prosecutor who brought
indictment has been hailed far and wide as the new century's
answer to
Jimmy Stewart in MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON, except that
Fitzgerald is very real and not a cinematic creation.
An economic summit is being held in the beauty of the Argentine
spring; outside the summit there are riots protesting U.S.
with discontent spearheaded Hugo Chavez, the verbose President
Venezuela who has made his political career by tweaking the
nose of the
U.S. He is there in Argentina doing just that, tweaking the
nose of
Bush, who has promised that he will behave should they encounter
other - after all, we, the American people, expect our President
to be
polite. [Darn! I was hoping for a duel.]
The conservatives pushed Harriet Meiers out of contention
for the
Supreme Court for not being conservative enough; followed
quickly by
the nomination of Alioto - a nomination that could be as contentious
that of Bork's or Clarence Thomas's. The Republican Right
is happy;
everyone else is holding their breath. Will this break ranks
in the
Gang of Fourteen?
The 2000th American soldier has died in Iraq; the insurgency
unabated and, if anything, they grow more devious by the day.
There is
a new level of sophistication to IED's, [improvised explosive
and there is now technical support with video training manuals
for them.
"W" looks more wan and haggard with every photo
op and Washington,
D.C. has the atmosphere of a city under siege; in the midst
normality, conventions, meetings, restaurant eating, catching
cabs and
all the other ordinary things of life in the nation's capital
-- over
all of this hangs a palpable air of tension, emanating out
from 1600
The blogosphere is bubbling with any site with liberal leanings
digitally clapping hands in joy over the dark days for Bush
rightist sites are defiant in defense of "Scooter",
Dick Cheney, "W"
and, of course, Karl Rove.
The very idea of Bush not traveling with Karl Rove at his
side is like
the idea of my traveling without my laptop. However, though
Rove has
dodged to date the bullet of an indictment, the world waits
to see if
Fitzgerald will follow-up with one later. He has declared
his continued
interest in Mr. Rove. So Karl is laying low.
All of this has resulted in my in-box being inundated with
from Democrats, gleeful, and defensive Republican friends.
Right now
the Democratic e-mails are far more amusing than the Republican
which are, I think, a shade on the strident side.
A friend was interviewed by Good Morning America in a man
on the
street sort of thing when he and his wife were in D.C. sightseeing
week. He spoke his Democratic mind, paralleling this administration
with that of Nixon's. It made air and his sleep was shattered
at 7:10
in the morning by friends speed-dialing his cell phone to
tell him to
turn on the television.
By the way, Mr. Bush's poll figures are near the same level
as Nixon's
not too long before his resignation. One particular die -
Democratic friend said something to me like: if there was
any justice
in this country the man would be impeached.
I doubt that will happen. We will have to wait out Mr. Bush's
term of
office. However, all of this was put in perspective by a cabby
Cameroon. "We elected a President in 1982 for a five
year term. He's
still there. You KNOW Mr. Bush is going to be gone in 2008.
That's the
way America works."
And it's true.thanks for the reminder, Mr. Taxi Man.