21, 2005
February 14, 2005
February 6, 2005
January 30, 2005
January 23, 2005
January 17, 2005
January 10, 2005
January 1, 2005
December 27, 2004
December 20, 2004
December 13, 2004
December 6, 2004
November 30, 2004
November 14, 2004
November 7, 2004
October 29, 2004
October 22, 2004
October 18, 2004
October 11, 2004
October 4, 2004
September 28th, 2004
September 20, 2004
September 13, 2004
September 6, 2004
August 27, 2004
August 20, 2004
August 13, 2004
August 6, 2004
July 30, 2004
July 24, 2004
July 17, 2004
July 11, 2004
July 4, 2004
June 21, 2004
June 14, 2004
June 7, 2004
May 28, 2004
May 20, 2004
May 14, 2004
May 7th, 2004
May 1, 2004
April 25th, 2004
April 17th, 2004
April 10th, 2004
April 4, 2004
March 14, 2004
March 7, 2004
February 24, 2004
February 17, 2004
February 10, 2004
February 2, 2004
January 20th, 2004
January 14th, 2004
January 7, 2004
December 30, 2003
December 24, 2003
December 20, 2003
December 7, 2003
December 1, 2003
November 23, 2003
November 9, 2003
November 1, 2003
October 24, 2003
October 17th, 2003
October 3, 2003
September 27, 2003
September 11, 2003
September 9, 2003
August 31, 2003
August 20, 2003
August 11, 2003
August 3, 2003
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July 21, 2003
July 11, 2003
July 4, 2003
July 1, 2003
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June 2, 2003
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April 17, 2003
April 13, 2003
March 30, 2003
March 10, 2003
March 2, 2003
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February 10, 2003
February 3, 2003
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January 13, 2003
January 5th, 2003
December 30th, 2002
December 23rd, 2002
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December 9th, 2002
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November 11, 2002
November 4, 2002
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October 7th, 2002
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September 23, 2002
September 16th, 2002
September 8th, 2002
September 1, 2002
August 27th, 2002
August 19, 2002
August 4th, 2002
July 29, 2002
July 22, 2002
July 15th, 2002
July 8, 2002
July 1, 2002
June 24th, 2002
June 17th, 2002
June 3, 2002
May 27th, 2002
May 20th, 2002
May 13, 2002
May 6, 2002
April 29 , 2002
April 22, 2002
April 15, 2002
April 8th, 2002
April 1st, 2002
March 18th, 2002
March 11th, 2002
March 4th, 2002
February 25th, 2002
February 18th, 2002
February 11th, 2002
February 8, 2002
February 4th, 2002
January 28th, 2002
January 21st, 2002
January 14th, 2002
January 7th, 2002
December 31st, 2001
December 17th, 2001
December 10th, 2001
December 3rd, 2001 |
Letter from New York |
Tombers is the President of Intermat,
Inc., a consulting practice that specializes in the intersection
of media, technology and marketing. For two years, he produced
the Emmys on the Web and supervised web related activities for
the Academy, including for the 50th Anniversary year of the
Emmy Awards. In addition to its consulting engagements, Intermat
recently sold METEORS TALE, an unpublished novel by Michael
ORourke, to Animal Planet for development as a television
movie. Visit his
web site at http://www.intermat.tv |
December 27, 2004
Christmas has arrived! And for its arrival we have retreated
to the country, arriving during the past week to stay until
after the 1st, a wonderful, happy respite from the trials
and travails of the last month.
The things which mattered to me this past week were all the
individual moments of caring that were special and made more
so as they happened during a time when busyness reaches mammoth
proportions and no one seems to have time or patience for
anything. OUT OF MY WAY! THATS MY [fill in the blank]!
It was that Dr. Paolino made time in his schedule to see
me before I left town because this cold has been
with me for the last five weeks and wasnt getting better.
When I was there he looked like he needed a break but he gave
me one by seeing me.
There was the pharmacist at the drug store in Battery Park
City who, when filling out the prescription given me by Dr.
Paolino, caught that it was in the family of antibiotics to
which I was allergic and got a new one for me to which I was
not allergic.
It was the tired smiles of folks in stores who lit up when
people treated them courteously and the bright happiness of
some, having embraced and surrendered to the joy of the season.
What also struck me was the disarray in our world.
As we left our offices for the holidays a plan was put together
in case anything, God forbid, happens to our crew in Iraq.
With the Mosul bombing much on our minds, it was a thing that
had to be done but which also put a harsh note into the week.
Here in the house by the Claverack Creek or in the apartment
in the city we live in peace and quiet while almost half a
world away the Iraq adventure continues its bloody course
and continues to be, to my mind, under reported.
It is, of course, that adventure which has now become the
steady backdrop of our lives.
I feel closer to it because of I have crew that is filming
there and they are incredibly brave and special young men
who are doing a damn fine job of covering the lives of a group
of soldiers. With some projects I work on, I dont feel
this involved but with this one I do. I know these young men.
I helped make their Iraqi adventure possible. I am on the
chain of people to be contacted if something goes wrong.
And the very thought of that brings tears to the edge of
my eyes.
If there has been a subdued feeling to this Holiday season,
it is because of the war and the dark fears generated by it,
gnawing like an uncomfortable, guilty thought at the back
of our consciousness.
Here at home, we continue with our traditions, traveling
to our homes and to visit relatives and friends, to use this
time to knit back together any broken bones in our core relationships,
to celebrate the joys of living and birth, knowing Christmas
is the time of birth of the Christ child, celebrated in a
tradition that grows out of ancient pagan myths, and that
strange mixture has become a contemporary holiday when men
and women of all faiths step back and take time to, hopefully,
enjoy one another in the general societal slowing this time
of year.
I know that when I sit down to our Christmas goose, my thoughts
will go to the Renaud brothers filming in Iraq and to all
the men and women they are following and all the others who
are there, in the dangerous desert.
My prayers will be with them even though I do not agree with
the reasons for them being there and I will also hold close
to me all those I love, far and near, because I know how fragile
life can be a fact underscored by the news every day.
May your Holidays be full of love, friendship and joy.