the Field |
Thanksgiving 2001 |
FROM HAL: As a result of the events of September
11th and the economic problems in our business,
this Thanksgiving
holiday will -- no doubt -- be unlike any
other. What follows are some holiday thoughts
and wishes, but first mine -- HAPPY THANKSGIVING
Jackson, Michigan
WXUT FM Toledo
Saturday 2-4 PM
To My friends in the Media,
May this holiday be as fruitful and as prosperous as
ever and may we remember those who are with us in spirit
always and forever more. And to our men and women overseas
you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Be Safe and Well
President and CEO
Travel News Radio
I wish I had something witty or profound to share
with you this Thanksgiving.
Given what we've all been through since September 11,
I will simply say
Happy Thanksgiving to a fantastic group of people who
have earned my respect
and admiration for the yeoman's work you've all done
these past few difficult
News Producer
KGET-TV/Bakersfield, California
May your heart be full of love, and your belly be full
of food. Happy
Western Media Relations Manager
PR Newswire
We were once the Pilgrims, needing help to survive.
Now we are the Native
Americans to the world. Let us continue to share
our knowledge and kindness to help those struggling,
so that one day they
have the
opportunity to be thankful, and giving as well.
CSUN Graduate
Graduate APTRA Academy 2000 & 2001
Aspiring Journalist
I want to wish all those journalists out there a Happy
Thanksgiving. I know
the economy is down, but let's be grateful for what
we do have.
Take Care and Happy Holidays.
Coates Nee
Life/Transitions Coach & Author
I am thankful that each one of us has a unique gift
we bring to the world. My
wish is that you discover yours this year.
KVEN Radio/Ventura CA
Mentor/Coordinator APTRA Academy
This year, more than any other Thanksgiving I have celebrated.....
I am grateful for my freedom. Something that I have taken
for granted most of my life. I am gratefule for the brave
and courageous Americans who fought and paid for my freedom
with their lives. They are the reason that I was able
to raise my daughters to believe in the American Dream
and to make plans for their futures. On Thanksgiving Day,
when I sit with my family---our dinner table will show
evidence of abundant blessings, and as we bow our heads
to give God thanks for those abundant blessings, I will
remember to be grateful for teh freedom to bow my head
and pray. Thanksgiving Day was never intended to be a
day of food and football. It's a day of thanks and freedom.
Thank you God.
I am an American and I am free.
Production Assistant
KCOP Television, Los Angeles
Growing up in America you are embedded with the idea
Thanksgiving is a time
to celebrate and give thanks.
I am 20 years old and I can honestly say Thanksgiving
has lost its importance
in my generation. All we care about is the food and
the day off from work or
Take some time this Thanksgiving and remind someone
why this holiday is not
about the turkey, but about focusing on the positives
in life.
UPN13 Creative Services Senior Writer/Producer
KCOP-TV/Los Angeles, California
This Thanksgiving holds so much more meaning than ever
before. I am a
die-hard New Yorker even though I have lived in Los
Angeles for almost 20
years. Last May, I was able to share my beloved city
with my 15 year old
son, who is a native son of Los Angeles. The occasion
was the 25th
Anniversary of my graduation from NYU, which was no
doubt an auspicious
occasion in and of itself. But more than that event,
which actually moved
me more than I expected. The sea of purple robes in
Washington Square Park
with the famous arches in the backdrop, took me back
to a time when I was my
son's age and just starting out in the world and for
a moment I was innocent
again. So it was through these eyes, that I toured the
city - on foot, of
course - with my son. Uptown to downtown, eastside to
westside, I
revelled in the joy of watching my boy fall in love
with the city I grew up.
He marvelled at the sights and sounds and smells as
I proudly showed off
the places of my youth, my hangouts, my world B.C, before
children! We stared
at the World Trade Center from Chinatown and I told
him that I remembered
when the Empire State Building was the tallest building
in the world. We
went to Central Park and I showed him my old building
on West 72nd Street,
where I was when John Lennon got shot and walked Columbus
Avenue to show him
the place where I met his dad and where we used to hang
out when we were in
love. Memories, memories, some good some bad but all
a part of who I am
today and I got to share those moments and bond with
my son in a way I never
thought I could. Another great memory etched in my consciousness
forever and
while buildings may fall, these memories are everlasting.
And just knowing
that we all can continue to make memories, in spite
of the past, I thank
APTRA Academy 2001 Graduate
Boise, Idaho
Thanksgiving is a time filled with historical significance
when many look
back and reflect upon their great American heritage.
We have so many reasons to be full of thanksgiving
even in the midst of
adversity. This is the time to gladden the heart for
what we have been given
and focus our minds on our blessings rather than on
our problems.
It is a time whereas a nation that we can continue
to grow in our ability to
reach out to one another, respect and learn from one
another's traditions and
values and come together as Americans with a true sense
of spirit.
Reporter - KYMA-TV/Yuma, Arizona
APTRA Academy Graduate 2000
APTRA Academy Mentor 2001
After watching and reporting on so many people who lost
members on 9-11, I am ever more grateful to have family
to see this
Thanksgiving. Often times I have worked through the
holidays and been too
busy to even call. But you can bet that this year I
will make the effort to
show my family how grateful I am to have them in my
KCOP Television, Los Angeles
I think this Thanksgiving will be particularly meaningful
to me. First of
all, I'm alive and have family and friends to share
this holiday with me.
Of secondary importance, though it certainly is important,
I'm working (and
still employed) in a fascinating field that has the
ability to touch people
emotionally and sometimes even affect their lives in
positive ways.
I don't know where we'll be one Thanksgiving from now,
but I hope that all
of us find ourselves in a slightly safer and saner world.