the Field |
Friday June 11, 2004 -- The eyes of the country and world
were on Simi Valley, California. The nation's 40th President
was about to be laid to rest at The Ronald Reagan Presidential
Library. The library parking lot was filled with local
and national crews and some pretty famous faces in the
crowd of those invited to attend to sunset burial service.
For our stories on the FOX11 10pm News and UPN13's newscast
at 11pm, we interviewed such people as Tom Selleck, Pat
Sajack, Mickey Rooney and his wife Jan. As we worked we
saw many of our colleagues from other station's and networks.
We also saw Reagan's hearse pass in front of us up the
library drive. Steve Boyajian, who was working our satellite
truck that day, captured much of the activity on his still
camera and shares a few shots with us. See who you recognize.
Thanks Steve! |