the Field |
Holiday Wish from Hal
During this holiday season I want to take a moment to thank
all of those who have contributed to this website. I want to
say a special thanks to my webmaster Jocelyne Rohrback for her
continuing commitment to HalEisner.com. And, to those of you
who check in here every once in a while, thanks for coming by
and I hope you'll keep coming back! Over these next two weeks,
as we wrap up 2001, we'll revisit some of the articles that
were among THE BEST OF 2001! There are, of course, too many
to highlight in just two editions, so please take a moment and
check out the archive section in FROM
THE FIELD and those of our weekly writers Rebecca,
Lance, Mat,
Michael and
Have a wonderful holiday season and THE BEST TO EACH AND EVERYONE
OF YOU in 2002!!!!!

Weather Anchor, KCOP Los Angeles
Mele Kalikimaka!
That's the island greeting I send to you and your family this
holiday season. You know---living here LA did take some getting
used to for a girl from Hawaii--but I found there's just as
much of the Aloha Spirit here as in the islands. I'm thankful
for that, for the fantastic people I've met and have yet to
meet. Aloha!

Freelance Television Reporter
Los Angeles, California
I'll probably remember this holiday season more than any other
in my life. Not having a full-time job for the last two months
has allowed me to spend more time with my family than I ever
thought I could bear -- and I've enjoyed it!! I've always felt
lucky to be close to my parents and to have my grandmother nearby.
That feeling grows stronger, the more I get to know them. As
we like to say in Spanish, "no hay mal que por bien no
venga," which, loosely translated, means out of bad things,
come good things. My wish for everyone this season is that we'll
continue to find joy and love in each other, and in the people
we meet every day. Feliz Navidad!

The Whitehouse Post Productions
Chicago, Illinois
Happy Chanukah, happy holidays and wonderful New Year's wishes
everyone! May everyone enjoy the snow (if you have it) and the
wonders of winter... take some time off from your daily stresses
to have some hot cocoa and a smile.

Los Angeles, California
Happy Holidays. What a year. Talk about putting things into
We'll all hug our friends and family much closer this season.
Bring on 2002.
(Hal, thanks for letting me follow in your steps that very first
day. A
special holiday greeting to you and your family.)
Reporter KYMA-TV
Yuma, Arizona
Wishing everyone a peaceful and joyful holiday. No matter how
hectic and stressful our days may be, let us not forget to be
grateful for the family we have to celebrate the holidays with

Paulette Amaro
Assistant Membership Director
Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
North Hollywood, California
Happy Holidays and Good Tidings to all from your friends at
the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
Morning News Anchor
Houston, TX
Merry Christmas and hidee-ho from Texas ya'll. From all of us
in public radio and television news to all of our brothers and
sisters out there in commercial radio and television news, our
warmest wishes for a peaceful and safe holiday season. I know
I speak for everybody in the news broadcasting
business when I say we're all hoping and praying for a better
Scott Budman
San Jose, California
My wish is for a happy, safe, and comfortable holiday season
to those who work so hard informing, and teaching, others.

Charmaine Dixon
Script Supervisor
Smush Game Show on USA
Los Angeles, California
The events of September 11th 2001 were worse than any apocalyptic
disaster I could ever have imagined. The scourge of terrorism
ambushed America and tried to destroy the apple of its eye.
I pray for all the families everywhere that have lost loved
ones. There is a saying in Buddhism, "After great evil,
there is great good." I look forward to all the great good
to come. Happy Holidays!!!!

Student/San Diego State University
Intern/KUSI TV San Diego, California
Celebrate Christmas and the holiday season as much as you ever
have, if not more. We don't know what the future holds.

Richard & Linda Friedman
Houston, Texas
We wish all of the people out there in the vastness of cyber-space
a Happy & Healthy New Year.

Assignment Editor
San Jose, California
I would like to wish a very happy holidays to everyone. September
11 has changed us all but mostly it has made a lot of us stop
and take notice of our lives. My thoughts and prayers are with
the families who lost their loved ones on September 11 and the
families of the brave men and women who are overseas. I hope
that the new year brings peace and prosperity for everyone.

Recording Artist and Producer
2000 LA Area Emmy Show Performer
Los Angeles, California
Let's all have a festive holiday season and be nice to each

Los Angeles, California
As we've learned, life is precious. So call an old friend. Smile
to a
stranger. Mend a broken bridge. Embrace the true holiday spirit
and may your heart overflow with love, hope, and forgiveness.
Happy Holidays everyone!

Chyron Operator
Los Angeles, California
Wishing peace and joy to everyone this holidays season. Celebrate,
appreciate, and don't be afraid to go out on a limb, that's
where all the fruit is...

Los Angeles, California
'Tis the Season: A time for cheer, families, friends and celebration.
Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa-- faiths and traditions we hold
dear this time of year.The events of September 11th will undoubtedly
alter how many view this holiday season. Thousands of families
will find it difficult to rejoice and understandably so. It's
imperative that those of us unaffected by the national tragedies
reach out to the grieving and disheartened. That extension doesn't
necessarily need to be in the form of money, but that's a good
start. Perhaps the best way to help the families of the victims
and the victims themselves is to offer help to anyone in need.
September 11th struck local charities right in the pocketbook,
as many generous individuals flocked to help those affected
by the attacks. Many of these fine local and national organizations
do herculean work to help others and rely solely on donations
from caring and compassionate individuals. They too deserve
your dollars now more than ever. Volunteering is also an excellent
way to show you care. So, dig a little deeper in your pockets
and hearts to find a way to show what the holidays are truly
all about. After all...'Tis the Season!

Pribe & Steve Baxley
WXUT FM Toledo
Pribax Radio Saturdays 2-4pm ET
We would like to wish all of our media brethren and sisteren
a joyous and happy holiday and a happy new year filled with
promise, and many successful journeys ahead that lie in wait
for all of us. On a personal note, to a certain intelligently
lovely entertainment reporter for KTLA my wish is that the critics
who bash you would lighten up and see the side of you that I
see through my eyes, heart, and mind. And A special thanks to
WXUT who were the only ones who believed in us and gave us a

& Jackie Zabel
Bryce is Chairman/CEO of The Academy of Television Arts and
in North Hollywood, California
As we look back over 2001, and ahead to 2002, we're reminded
of a favorite quotation from Colin Powell who said, "Optimism
is a force multiplier."
It's been a tough year, but the country seems more united and
determined than it's ever been in our lifetimes. We work in
a great business in a great country -- we will all together
make a great difference next year.

FROM HAL: Thanks so much Kent for the gracious words!
For those of you who are not aware, I'm proud to say that
Kent was one of this website's very first contributors
writing a terrific article you can find in our FROM
FIELD archives! |
News Anchor
Los Angeles, California
Congratulations on the progress you've made on your site in
2001, and your accomplishments teaching others to become better
practitioners of the craft. During this tumultuous year, it's
become fashionable again to show concern for --and help-- our
fellow man. You deserve credit for being ahead of that curve
for as long as I can remember.
Looking back on the past 12 months, I realize how lucky I (and
just about all of us) have been compared to those who've suffered
real hardships. It's a lesson I never will forget, and a gift
I never will take for granted.
Here's to 2002!

Associated Press
Los Angeles, California
We're a small industry, more like a family. So let us celebrate
the holidays together--getting together with our real families
when we're not cranking out the news. And hoist a collective

Tony Buttitta
News Photographer
KCOP-TV/Los Angeles, California
I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season
this year. Remember to love your family and put them first in
your life! In the big picture of life, nothing is more important
than the people you love most.
Your family! So put them first and forget about all the other

Raul Collazo
Weather Anchor
KINC-TV/Univision Channel 15
Las Vegas, Nevada
My best to you and your family during the holidays and the years
to come. May God bring you health, wisdom and happiness! Feliz
Navidad :)

Elizabeth Densmore
2001 LA Area Emmy Performer
My Christmas wish is that all the Heroes will be remembered,
every survivor will stand strong, all Americans will unite as
a family, and that freedom and peace will prevail. God Bless

Patricia Friedman
Two Time APTRA Academy Grad
As we all celebrate the holidays this year, let us all remember
that life is precious and should never be taken for granted.
We are all Human Beings regardless of our differences. We as
a human race must band together and help those less fortunate.
Each one of us should make a pledge to help at least one poor
soul not just during the holidays but all year long. Our efforts
can make a difference in people's lives. Happy Holidays and
love to all!

Teresa Francis Garcia
KIMA-TV/Yakima, Washington
May this Sacred Season shine brighter than a thousand stars.
Keep your gaze open, your chin up, your heart warm...for the
roller coaster of life is always just around the corner...and
I say it's ready for an ascent after these tough international
times. Merry Season!!

Richard Greene
Attorney, Communication Strategist
Malibu, California
May the closeness we have felt as a national family continue
into good times as well as bad and may we use these last few
months, not just as a wake-up call about terror, but a wake-up
call about how very precious life, friends, family and love
truly are.

Kirk Hawkins
Sophomore, UC Santa Barbara
Intern, KEYT-3 Santa Barbara, California
Happy Holidays! Each year during the holiday season, Americans
celebrate thepromise of renewal and the possibilities of peace.
I hope that this holiday season brings a renewed sense of this
peace and joy. We owe our good health, shelter, safety and well
being to our families, our parents, our teachers, our colleagues,
our friends, our brothers and sisters and of course our new
heroes. We all should be proud of the New York Policemen, Firemen,
Rescue Workers and members of the armed forces who have worked
tirelessly and selflessly to help ease the suffering of Americans
and others abroad during this difficult time in our history.
I extend my deepest gratitude to these men and women and their
families as well as the victims and their families of New York,
Washington and Pennsylvania.

and Harry LeMay
Freelance Graphic Artist
This long and difficult fall has yielded to a quiet, modest
and reflective holiday season for us. We will continue to look
for the answer to the question "What is expected of us?"
which was thrust into our consciousness on a warm morning in
September. We will be grateful for the unfailing support of
the people we love, and be glad for the opportunity to support
them in return. We will look toward the richness of life as
it comes to us; happy for the richness that comes wrapped in
fine papers, but happier for the richness that comes in other
forms: peace, and a clear heart.

KNWZ Radio - Palm Springs, California
My New Year's wish is that our world slowly eradicates that
which ails it, through whatever means, and at the same time,
American society comes out the other end of this rotten tunnel
intact, in spite of John Ashcroft.

Eddie Romero (Firefighter Engineer - Oxnard, CA Station
#2) and his niece Jocelyne Rohrback |
love Rescueworkers Holiday Season 2001"
Jocelyne Rohrback
Webmaster - HalEisner.com
I often tease my Uncle Eddie with stories about my dangerous
"octopus" electrical outlets, and unattended burning
candle anecdotes. He doesn't laugh, but my aunt and I enjoy
a chuckle over his programmed concern.
Although we don't tell him enough, my Uncle Eddie remains to
be a great source of pride for our family. A firefighter engineer,
husband and father of three special-needs children; he exemplifies
the selfless, hardworking firefighter mentality that all rescueworkers
tend to hold fast.
This holiday season I have a deeper appreciation for my Uncle
Eddie; and every other firefighter, police officer, paramedic
or rescue worker who put their lives on the line for the sake
of others on a daily basis.
We all tend to overlook the many facets of their day-to-day
lives blanketed with the responsibility of protecting the lives
of others. They don't get to leave their job at the firestation....they
are ALWAYS on the job.
For this holiday season I think we should promote the recognition
of all of these special people; in New York and in our own neighborhoods.
That's why I am proposing a "We love Rescueworkers Holiday
Season 2001" campaign. I propose we all send a letter of
thanks to the firestation, police force or hospital staff that
we may have required the assistance of over the past year.
The police officer who investigated the noise you heard in your
backyard, the firefighter who rescued your cat out of the tree,
the hospital nurse who comforted your son when he had that broken
leg......Whether we recognize it or not, we come into contact
with these selfless individuals more frequently than we realize.
Write them a thank-you note, drop off a basket of fruit, send
a poinsettia! It's the least we can do for those who do so much
for us.
And this year I promise not to mention the box of oily rags
in the garage to my Uncle Eddie; after all, he deserves a break.