we've already reported, besides a delayed special on KCBS,
a webcast, a move to the TV Academy's elegant Goldenson
theatre and a return of comedian Paul Rodgriguez as the host
of the 54th Annual Los Angeles Area Emmy Awards, we're having
a party! It's an Emmy celebration after the awards out on
the Academy plaza in North Hollywood.
week we'd like to tell you a little more about the entertainment.
Gretchen Parlato will take center stage at the Post
Emmy Celebration along with her ensemble Yoon-Seung Cho
on piano and Massimo Biolcati playing bass! Jazz and
Brazilian music -- that's Parlato's specialty -- a combination
that should certainly add to a summer's night party under
the stars!
Among her many accomplishments, Miss Parlato is credited with
being the first vocalist accepted into the Thelonious Monk
Institute. You can hear some of Gretchen's stylings on her
website http://www.gretchenparlato.com.