Emmys: A Win/Win Situation
By Nancy LeMay
As I get older I have more understanding of why people are
cynical, and less patience for cynicism.
An experience I had at the Emmys a few years ago might explain
my feeling.
Inside the graceful and inviting lobby of the Pasadena Civic
Auditorium, I was coming down a staircase while a young man,
sporting his tuxedo, was coming up. As he passed me I overheard
him say to his companion something along the lines of, ‘gee,
I’ve been to this so many times it’s just so BORING to me…’
Were I a little more bold and outspoken I’d have stopped him
in his tracks and said, "Come on, honey…if you don’t find
this fun- at the very least- what do you enjoy?"
There’s a well-worn formula in our culture that has us believe
that coolness=sophistication. I beg to differ. Some things
should just be enjoyed, and being able to attend the Emmys,
especially as a nominee, is one of them. Period. My lack of
cynicism does not automatically turn me into Little Nell from
the Country, thank you. I’m from New York- one of the world’s
epicenters of cynicism! And some things I do view with a sideways
glance and an upturned eyebrow.
But the Emmys are not among them. So get dressed to the nines,
rehearse your acceptance speech (admit it- we’ ve all rehearsed
an acceptance speech) and anticipate that sip of champagne
at the party afterwards. Remember- on Emmy Night, we are on
the side where the grass is greener.