Like most tragic occurrences in our lives, we have a tendency
to remember
exactly where we were when the event took place and September
11, was no
different. I received a call from my in-laws who live in Florida
after the first plane struck the World Trade Center tower.
I quickly rushed
to my television set and turned it on just in time to see
the second plane
hit the other tower. My first reaction was oh my God, the
people!. Then it
happened, the towers collapsed.
As news reports flowed in from Washington DC and the Pennsylvania
countryside, I went through a mental checklist of all my family
immediate or otherwise wondering where everybody was. Next
I wondered if who
ever was planning these attacks had more planned. When the
Department of
Transportation grounded all flights I felt a temporary respite
from my angst
as I watched the Trade Centers and the Pentagon burn.
My next emotion was one of extreme anger at the cowards who
would perpetrate
such an act against innocent people. I wanted our military
to wipe those
terrorists off the face of the earth, a view I still hold
Over the next several days as our collective psyche started
to come to grips
with what happen, I realized how lucky I was to be an American.
It was
wonderful to see how our country rallied around the victims
and their
families. How athletes, entertainers, government officials,
private citizens
and private business came to the aid of those in need.
When we deployed our first troops to Afghanistan I wanted
them to just burn
the country down. Of course once I came to my senses I realized
there are
innocent men, women and children who suffered at the hands
of the Taliban
long before September 11. I must admit, I wanted Osama Bin
Laden's head on a
platter and I wanted it right then. My common sense told me
that wasn't
going to happen. I spent eight years in the United States
Air Force.
Conducting military campaigns as I've learned is extremely
especially against a foe that is mobile and does not cherish
Now, almost a year later Bin Laden is still not in custody
or dead as far as
we know. My anger still has not subsided. I have complete
confidence our
military leaders can handle the task at hand given the proper
tools to do the
job I just have to be patient.
September 11 devastated the business I've made my living
in for the past few
years. The travel industry has yet to recover. Contrary to
most published
reports air travel has still not rebounded. You only have
to look at the
long list of costing cutting measure taken by the airlines,
the bankruptcy
filings and the relatively small crowds at the nation's airports.
It may take
years for the industry to completely recover, but recover
we shall. The
industry and our country will be back stronger than ever.
And for those who lost loved ones, I pray that they and their
children are
able to heal and move on to lead productive lives.