Magic of APTRA Academy
By Hal Eisner
APTRA Academy Founder
APTRA Academy started as a way to help aspiring broadcasters
who have no access to making a resume tape. It has over the
years proven to be that and so much more. It has, for many
including me, become a weekend of magic.
There are several things that make it magical. It's magical
to those who come to the camp at Cottontail Ranch in Malibu
Canyon from all over the country with hopes and dreams of
being news reporters and anchors. It's magical because so
many mentors, nearly 100 this year, come with the intent of
helping. These are professionals who give up this one weekend
a year because there are people who helped them. The volunteers
include reporters, anchors, news directors, photgraphers,
editors, producers, writers, actors, PIOs from LAPD, LA County
Fire, DEA, Anaheim Police Department, firefighters, handcrews
and others. My personal thanks to each and every one of them.
It's magical because it's so motivational. And, it's magical
because year after year registrants say it is. Every year
there are those who say APTRA Academy changed their lives.
We have received a number of emails and comments following
this years boot camp for aspiring broadcasters. Here are just
a few from happy campers!
"The reporting camp was a great experience. The mentors
were very helpful and I was able to network with many professionals
in the field."
Marie Arceo
Rancho Cucamonga, Ca.

"In one weekend, I gained more practical hands-on
experience than four years of a mass communication degree."
Tina Mather
Long Beach, Ca.

"The camp was amazing. The mentors were fabulous. The
entire weekend was simply awesome."
Nadine Toren
San Francisco, Ca.

"It is just amazing how much I learned in the 30 hours
I was there. Field reporting is something I never had any
experience with before. At the very least, the academy filled
that gap in my broadcasting knowledge. I feel much more
confident now that if I want to, I can build on this and
maybe start doing some TV."
Chris Hughes
San Clemente, Ca.