Academy 2004 is a HUGE SUCCESS!!!
By Hal Eisner
To the reporters, anchors, photographers, producers, writers,
assignment editors, police officers, firefighters, public
information officers, anti-terrorist consultants who served
as swat officers, other news professionals and everyone who
works at Cottontail Ranch in Malibu, California, THANK YOU
for making APTRA Academy a huge success.
A big THANK YOU to those who worked with me to make the new
APTRA Academy En Espanol a reality and a success! It was like
having a new child. Something that would make you proud.
And, last but not least, THANKS to the almost 60 "students"
who participated in this year's boot camp for aspiring broadcasters!
Thanks for coming to Southern California from as far away
as New York, Virginia and Florida. It's refreshing to see
so many people excited about doing something toward the cause
of getting their dream job. As some mentors told me, it reminds
those of us already in the news business of the basics as
we watch the boot campers go through the paces. In many ways
it also serves to energize us.
To me, this year's camp rocked! Obviously, I'm a little --
no, I'm a lot -- biased. After all, I started the camp in
2000. I'm also very picky about every aspect of it. If you're
like me that means you'll find every little flaw. And, looking
back, I am extremely pleased.
In the weeks to come, we'll reflect on the camp in pictures
and words as we get them from students and mentors. We'll
also stream videos made by the participants. You'll see them
(coming to a computer near you) in our HalEisner.com feature
Thanks again to everyone who helped Cottontail Ranch in Malibu,
California become a motivational hotspot for those who want
to be tomorrow's news reporters and anchors.
Click here to see
the pictures