APTRA Academy |
The 2004 Larry LaMotte/APTRA Academy Scholarships
are Awarded!

Larry LaMotte |
16 APTRA Academy students got a surprise at the end of this
year's boot camp for aspiring reporters and anchors at Malibu's
Cottontail Ranch. All 16 received checks for $50 each from the
Larry LaMotte/APTRA Academy scholarship remembering veteran
journalist Larry LaMotte. The winners, chosen for outstanding
achievement during the workshop are:
APTRA Academy Reporting Camp:
Ashley Lobodzinski
Ana Luisa Mota
Cameron Kim
Michelle Armand
Jesse Dominguez
Cindee San Luis
Crystal Edwards
Kendra Buscho
Andrea Gastelum
Alec Shreck
Angelica Mayon-Fudacz
Mario Lanzas
Alicia Santos
Claudia Redd
Paula Pendley
Sabrina SabbaghCongratulations to all!!! |