After the Fall! And, I did FALL!

August 15, 2011

Last Tuesday night just an hour before our newscast, I took a nasty fall. Literally, I was walking along the sidewalk toward a man I had interviewed earlier. I tumbled, went airborne and BAM I hit the concrete! I hurt my hip and my elbow. I’m okay. No broken bones. Just a bad boo-boo or two. But, it knocked me off work for the rest of last week; the week before my August vacation this week! The doctor wanted me to stay off my feet. It was a good idea.

The fall really knocked the wind out of me but, that night I pulled myself together enough to do my job. I reported live at 10 and 11pm on an explosion at a Sylmar area industrial company. I had been working on it all day and had all kinds of details, but as the night went on I got more and more sore. By morning, I hurt! Off to the doctors.

So, I’ve been limping around and looking for distractions. Reading, researching, reading…. did I mention …reading! Oh yeah … and, lots of TV. I’ve seen lots of newscasts. Watched with interest the political goings-on in Iowa.

So, now its the eve of my vacation.

I was planning a stay-cation on the home front anyway. But, guess I’ll just lay low so I can get over the black and blues.

Ironically, the stumble on the sidewalk came just a weeks after I did a story on, that’s right, people falling on sidewalks!

Guess that’s the way the cookie crumbles or … the reporter tumbles!

About Hal Eisner

Hal Eisner is a reporter at FOX 11 News in Los Angeles

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